Whilst visiting London last month, I had the most inspiring furniture buying trip ever thanks to the guys at Clothier Jones.

From their new Kitsch furniture range, my favourite pieces were the Dainty Chaise Longue, the Fold Table and the amazing Moonshine Footstool which is quite frankly too cute!

In fact, I loved the Pippy Oak Reader Side Bench so much that we decided to feature it in our new 2013 summer catalogue (coming soon). Please let us know what you think of the Clothier Jones pieces mentioned here and we may stock more.

Another great find this week was a wonderful little collection of silver chaise longues, which seems to be re-opening the scene for classic chaise lounge designs. I love the fact that each of these chaise longues offers a completely different feel, yet they are inkeeping with their heritage.

After fighting with a bad chest infection all weekend, I'm now back at work but feeling a little drained, it must be said. We're hoping to get a lot more posts live during the next few weeks, so stay tuned folks!